06 Mar CEOs: Can You Imagine Having More Time and Brain Space in Your Day?
One of the most common things I hear when talking to CEOs and other business leaders is, “I just don’t have time to do it all.”
Not surprising—right? Running a company takes a toll. You need physical bandwidth to grow, as well as the mental bandwidth to make sure everyone within your business is working towards the same vision. Not to mention the financial bandwidth to keep pushing forward.
But, there’s always “something” that comes up. Suddenly the CEO is tasked with putting out fires, dealing with HR issues, hiring (and firing) staff, securing funding, and so much more.
It’s the CEO curse. And, sadly, it won’t magically disappear one day—no matter how successful your company becomes. So, to those same CEOs and business leaders I talk to on a weekly basis, I ask them this:
What would it look like (and feel like) to actually have the time and the freedom to actually “be” a CEO? To be able to set aside the minutiae and be the visionary leader of your company?
For some of the clients I’ve worked with, it meant having the brain space to progress their innovative ideas past the “lightbulb stage.” Others were really looking to secure funds so they could bring along all of the people who had been with them throughout a sometimes arduous journey.
And, many just needed a person at the helm who understood the financial aspects of running a business. What would it actually take to get the doors open—and then focus on thriving?
I want to be clear: Lack of success is rarely the “fault” of the CEO. Despite the internet search results of “Why CEOs Fail,” (which paint a somewhat inaccurate picture), in many cases lack of success is out of their hands. They simply have too much to do. Some CEOs have inherited a failing company, which is completely out of their control. The good news is, they can regain control if they have the appropriate resources and knowledge in place.
If you’re in this same position, what would relief look/feel like to YOU? I’m happy to weigh in on some insights and ideas to bring your expertise to the forefront—and mitigate all the little things that are keeping you from achieving your business goals.
Contact me here, and I’ll be in touch ASAP.
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