CEOs and other C-Suite leaders: How do you lead effectively when your “tank” and the tanks of your employees are running on empty? It’s not an easy barrier to overcome. And the last few years have not been generous when it comes to mental and physical...

I think one thing we can all agree on is that the nonprofit sector is one where every penny counts.  Which is why it’s so important for nonprofit organizations to fully understand the state of their finances—and also know when to pivot should financial strategies fail...

CEOs: If you’re in the beginning stages of succession planning, what are your biggest concerns? Succession planning is pivotal for the sustainability and long-term success of an organization. For companies big and small, the role of the CEO is crucial, making it essential to ensure a...

CEOs: How worried are you about burnout?  It’s a common theme among C-suite leadership. There are so MANY pressures placed upon you, and even if you have the thickest skin and a high level of “stoicism,” they can become overwhelming. The following represents 10 of the most...

CEOs: Do you have an “exit strategy” for your reign? I’ve been talking a little about the initial steps to consider before selling your business, but succession planning is a different animal. CEOs often don’t want to SELL, but rather leave the business in the hands...

CEOs: Do you have a “people leader” within your ranks? This is something that has become increasingly important in organizations, necessitated by several factors that have emerged in the recent past. For example, the rise of remote work, increased focus on workplace diversity, and the growing importance...

CEOs: What is one of the most valuable components of your company? Could it be your employee base?  It should be!  You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but unless you have a workforce to help execute them, your vision will go nowhere.  CEOs who place...

CEOs: Have you ever thought of technology as a “threat” to your business operations?  In last week’s post, I shared some of the BENEFITS tech affords CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, and COOs. Just as yin must have a yang (and vice versa), tech also presents some challenges....

CEOs: What is the biggest “tech” challenge you’re facing in 2023? I could list a number of my own, as a fractional COO. There’s both benefits and detriments to adopting technology in a C-suite role, particularly in a post-COVID economy.  Why?  Technology plays an even more critical role...

CEOs: Are you thinking about selling your business (or “hope” to)? If you're contemplating this as a next step—whether in the next year or five years—the preparation phase is as crucial as the sale itself. Entering this journey, many entrepreneurs underestimate the complexities involved. Adequate preparation...

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