Are you ready for Q2? (Or Q3, Q4…) The start of Q2 is not just a date on the calendar. It's a crucial checkpoint for business leaders across industries to reassess, recalibrate, and reignite their strategic engines. The past months have taught us the value of agility,...

I’ve learned a lot since being more active on LinkedIn. What I haven’t quite figured out yet is why more C-suite and other business leaders aren’t taking advantage of the platform.  They might be “on” LinkedIn, but aren’t active and lack an updated profile (some don’t...

CEOs: What are your expectations of a COO? There are definitely responsibilities that fall under the COO role. Equally important is that there are duties that DON’T.  If you’re expecting the latter, from a COO that may not have the expertise to actually deliver on your expectations,...

CEOs: Having a COO or CFO on your team shouldn’t be a luxury. The key word here is “shouldn’t.” But, for some businesses, it is—a role they cannot afford to implement, from a financial perspective. That said, the decision to not bring on a full-time leader may...

As a business leader, what would you do with an extra hour in your day? In our fast-paced world, time is a commodity more precious than gold. Each day, we strive to maximize productivity, juggle responsibilities, and somehow find a moment for ourselves. But imagine, just...

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…  In a quest for success, it's easy to get caught up in numbers that look impressive on paper but don't truly contribute to your business goals. I'm talking about the allure of "vanity metrics," those seductive figures—which, while gratifying, often mask...

CEOs: How resistant are you to change (or welcoming of it)? As leaders, CEOs hold the compass that guides their organizations through uncharted waters. However, this journey is fraught with the constant challenge of change.  Resistance to change is a natural human instinct, rooted in the comfort...

What does a fractional executive even do? While this position isn’t “new” in the business world, it certainly has become more popular over the last few years.  In today's fast-paced business environment, agility and expertise are key drivers of success. As organizations navigate through growth, transformation, and...

CEOs: How applicable is the song lyric, “Every day I’m hustlin’” to your daily operations? I’d argue it should be a LOT less so. A few weeks ago, I shared a Vlog on my LinkedIn profile about why it’s important to “unlearn the hustle” as a CEO...

In the past, I have explored the mistake of running your nonprofit like a basic checkbook. Money in, money out, rinse and repeat. This is no way to excel in the nonprofit world. For nonprofit organizations, the efficient management of funds is a pivotal strategy that...

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